After many years of working with the United States Congress and the SEC, the AM&AA, in close collaboration with many other concerned professionals, is making great progress on several important new initiatives for economic development, job creation, and relief of regulatory burdens impacting the private business marketplace…America’s engine of prosperity.
HR 2274 seeks to establish a much needed new level of clarity for the private company transactions. Current SEC regulations are on a “one-size fits all” basis.
A bi-partisan bill, HR 2274 has been introduced by Congressman Mr. Bill Huizenga of Michigan. HR 2274 would simplify, bring clarity, and reduce the regulatory costs of federal securities regulation in privately negotiated mergers and acquisitions. HR 2274 exempts from FINRA registration M&A activities under $25 million EBITDA between a private company and a control buyer. It requires a simplified system of registration through a public notice filing, while preserving important investor protections.