When marketing your business, VR relies on tried and true marketing methods. We market your business based on the “Five P’s” of marketing.
Product: Your VR intermediary is an expert in identifying the strengths of a business, whether financial or intangible and will package and market your business with confidence and enthusiasm.
Price: We will spend a great deal of time working with sellers to strategically price their businesses. We work with buyers and their financial institutions to address their needs and concerns.
Promotion: You are guaranteed your business receives maximum coverage and promotion.
People: With years of experience, your VR intermediary is an expert at identifying and aligning the needs and concerns of both buyer and seller.
Placement: Your VR intermediary is skilled at targeting your business with different groups of buyers.
This structured marketing analysis is another tool that sets apart our office in the Chicago metropolitan area.
Wonder no more.
Contact VR Business Brokers for a free, no-obligation estimate of the value of your business.